Friday 8 March 2013

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

To maintain a house style and achieve continuity throughout all 3 of my products, I have used the same font as the masthead on the front cover, contents page and double page spread. I have also kept the colour scheme the same throughout by using dark pink/red colours for the anchorage text underneath my main image on the front cover, then I have also used the same colour for the 'Contents' heading on my contents page and for the quote, banner ('Lilia Eve') and introduction on the double page spread.
I have used the same artist on the front cover, contents page and double page spread and have made sure that the page numbers on the contents page match the page numbers on the double page spread, which also helps create continuity and connect all 3 features of the magazine together.
My layout matches most conventions for music magazines, however, on the front cover I have fewer stories than most music magazines. The reason I have done this is because I have used a close up for my main image (to help capture the iconic sixties/Twiggy theme) and I wanted this image to be the main focus of the front cover, and if I had included lots of other stories on my front cover than the audience's attention would be diverted away from the main story. If you compare it to MOJO music magazine, they also have not used many cover lines because they want the David Bowie cover line to be the main focus of their audience's attention, which is what I have attempted to do on my front cover.
However, similarly to MOJO, I have still included a few minor cover lines on there, to make my magazine more conventional and give the audience more than one thing to look forward to reading. For the contents page I have used most conventions, such as large clear fonts, page numbers referencing the story, 'Features' and 'Regulars' section as well as images relating to the different articles featured throughout the magazine. Also for the double page spread I have matched most conventions for music magazines; pull quotes, introduction, images, article being set out in columns and in a clear font as well as a main image that dominates one of the pages.

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