Wednesday 13 March 2013

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

When I was originally planning my target audience, before I finished my final media products and had made final decisions about things such as mise-en-scene, layout, colours, fonts etc. I did a focus group with a group of teenage girls (who are in my target audience) to see what kind of things they would expect from a music magazine and some things that they would enjoy reading and would want to buy. I found doing this focus group was very helpful because it helped me get a wider view of what my target audience wants, and helped me get different ideas that I may not have thought of before. 
When I was creating my media product I wanted to make sure the ideology and iconography would appeal to my target audience, so by referring back to my reader profile I chose certain features that I could feature in the mise-en-scene and location to appeal to my target audience and attract them to my magazine. 
I also conducted secondary audience research with my final front cover, contents page and double page spread, which included a series of questionnaires that I handed out to a group of teenagers and a secondary audience feedback video with my final products. 

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