Friday 15 March 2013

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

I attracted my target audience buy making my music magazine an affordable price for the E demographic category. By making it £2.00 this is a price that students and teenagers can afford and for the number of pages that my magazine includes and the frequency it will be released (every fortnight) I would say it is a reasonable price. 
The special offers I include should attract my target audience, because I found that teenagers enjoy competitions where they can win tickets to concerts and CDs (I discovered this when looking at existing music magazine, for example, 'Kerrang!' (left picture) is a popular rock magazine that teenagers (around the same social group as my target audience) enjoy reading. In the bottom right corner near the barcode there is the big plug saying 'WIN', from this distance you cannot fully see what can be won however, the fact that it is in a bright yellow star that stands out clearly over the black background, this would attract the audience and make them pick it up to see what they could win.
So to attract my audience I thought I would make the 'WIN' bit noticeable but I did not want that to be the main feature of the magazine, I wanted the main coverline to be the main feature of my magazine, however, I did not want that to be the only thing attracting my audience therefore I made the 'WIN' plug on the bottom sell line noticeable so the audience would see that when they pick my magazine up. 
I did a series of questionnaires that I handed out to a group of people that were in my target audience: 

Here are the responses to my questionnaires that I gave out to a group of teenagers to get their feedback on my front cover, contents page and double page spread:

Have I used the conventions of a music magazine successfully?
“Yes, I can see a lot of the conventions throughout the pages”
“Yes” x3
“Yes, it follows them well”
“Yes, especially the masthead. That is very different and stands out”
“Yes- large masthead, structured like music magazines, looks like a genuine double page spread. Sell lines on left side”
“Yes the front cover and double page spread follow conventions very well- however, the contents page could follow conventions more”

Can you identify what my target audience is?
“An audience who enjoys this genre of music, teenagers and young adults”
“Teenagers 16+ pop/rock genre”
“15-25 year olds”
“16+ because of the colours and font”
“I’m not too sure what it is”
“Teenage girls, sixties rock fans. The clothing represents this”
“Pop-rock. Semi Mainstream audience. 15-25”

  If so, does it appeal to the target audience?
“Yes a young, fun font used for the masthead etc. The colours used are bright which will attract the target audience”
“Yes, the theme and colour”
“Yes- the colours used appeal”
“Yes, large image of girl, represents sixties”

  Can you tell what my genre is?
“Retro music”
“Pop genre”
“Pop rock and music from the past”
“60s rock”
“Sixties- dressed sixties, pull quotes. ‘I’m bringing the sixties back’ gives it away”

 Are there any changes you would make to improve it?
“More feature stories on the front page”
“Not fading the edges of the images on the contents page”
“More features”
“Maybe use more images”
“More feature articles”
“Add a price on the front cover”
“Structure contents page a bit more”
“Better contents layout. Price on cover. Outline images to make them clear”

  If there is anything you find unconventional, does it fit in with the rest of the magazine?
“Don’t think so”
“The barcode positioning”
“Sizing of some of the text, it doesn’t fit in very well- makes it look slightly childish in a few aspects”

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