Friday 15 March 2013

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Here is one of my first drafts for my front cover, and to the right is my final front cover. As you can see the main image on the first draft does not look very conventional of music magazine front covers. The lighting is poor and you cannot really see her face, which would not attract the audience because one of the conventions of a music magazine front covers is to have a strong dominant front cover that will attract your audience. 
Also the text on the first draft for the main cover line is quite dark and blends in to the background, which is also not conventional because readers will want it to stand out against the background so they can read it from far away if they spot it out the corner of their eye in a shop. 
Also I needed to make the cover lines in the boxes go together with the rest of the magazine because on the first draft they look more like they should be on a contents page. 
When I asked around on my first draft, many people said they could not tell that it was meant to be a sixties/rock music magazine, and they said many things about it were unconventional and did not really fit in. For example, the lack of a price or slogan were both unconventional and were things that people said needed changing because it does not look like a proper music magazine without these things that most people expect to see on a music magazine front cover.

Here is one of my first contents page drafts. I found that the cutting around the picture does not look very professional and looks quite messy. So when I was using Photoshop I found the 'magic wand' tool, which allows you to get rid of a white background quicker and easier than having to use the polygonal lasso tool that I previously used, as I found the polygonal lasso was a lot messier and took a lot more time than the magic wand tool. 

  Whilst creating my media product I also learnt many different short cuts on Photoshop. Such as 'Ctrl+T' for transforming an image- making it bigger or smaller, and rotating it. 
Whilst I was making my drafts I also learnt about the gradient tool, that creates a gradient background for you in a colour of your choice- as demonstrated in one of my draft contents pages shown above.

Below is a step by step process of one of my drafts that I made...

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