Monday 15 October 2012


My front cover uses most of the conventions of magazine front covers that already exist. It has the masthead, main image, cover lines, datelines and price and the main stories in the left third. However, I decided to put the main cover line on the actual main image, rather than around it (which is what most magazine front covers do). I did this because I wanted to let the audience know exactly which cover line was the main one, and by placing it inside the main image I connected them to ensure the reader understands that was the main one.

With my product I have tried to represent most students at college, by placing the model with folders in her hand, which is what you would expect to see a student with. And by using a model who is the same age as the students who go to college then I have used that feature of the model to attract the age group that my product is aimed at. To attract a male audience as well, however, perhaps I should have placed a male student on the front cover with her and made the masthead a different colour to pink (I did this thought because it links with the colour of the folder and the folder is the colour that sticks out the most on my front cover).

The audience for my product would be students who attend college (so around 16-18 year olds). When I was thinking of what to do for my product, I wanted to attract boys and girls but when I was taking the photos I chose just a girl on my own with a pink folder and decided to link the colour of the folder with the colour of the masthead to keep a house style (as many other magazine front covers did that I had looked at). So my final product will probably attract female students rather than girl students, although I have included a sports story to attract boys as well. I decided to have the girl stood on college campus so the name really related to the masthead. Many magazines I looked at featured words like ‘EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW INSIDE’ which I liked the idea of using because I thought that would be a good way to attract the audience, by giving them the idea that this magazine is the only place to get this interview, making the audience want to buy it more. So I decided to do this with my magazine (about the women’s football team), to attract girls and also boys that are interested in sports.

Whilst making my final front cover, I learnt a lot in Photoshop. I learnt how to use the ‘Clone Stamp Tool’, which came in handy when one of my planning pictures wasn’t long enough to fit the page and I couldn’t stretch it anymore. I also learnt a lot about the layering (specifically when I was making my mood board, as I wanted certain things to stand out over other things on it). I also learnt about the magic wand tool, which made it a lot easier (and neater) to cut out around my model and place her on the college campus background as it didn’t give me all the rough edges that cutting it out using the polygonal lasso cut tool did. 

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