Thursday 4 October 2012

College Magazine Front Cover Analysis

  • On this front cover, the magazine has used a medium shot of the girl. By using this type of framing, it allows the audience to see her top, which matches the colour of the Masthead. This shows that the girl and the college have this in common. The blue of the title's of the cover lines (and next to the barcode) match the colour of her denim shorts, which also help connect the model with the college. The red of the masthead and the red of her T-Shirt also give the connotation of excitment, giving the audience the idea that this college is fun and enjoyable but also relaxing at the same time as the model is in quite a chilled out pose and doesn't look stressed or like she's working hard, she just looks like she is having a good time and enjoys being there.
  • The ideology of this magazine, is to give an overall positive outlook of the college. The way the magazine has linked all the cover lines together connects all the magazine and gives the audience the impression that everything at the college is connected in this way. As this is a college magazine, they are going to want to give the readers the idea that this is a positive working envirnoment. They are going to want students to think that they will enjoy being at that college, and by using a smiling model and a sunny environment it helps enforce this idea.
  • The target audience of this magazine would be college students. We know this by the name of the magazine and that the model looks like a student. By having a model who is the same age as the students who attend the college (and therefore read the magazine), it allows the audience to relate to it and tells them that the articles featured in this magazine will be suitable to them.
  • By the way the magazine has represented the girl, this front cover gives the audience the idea that this is a happy environment, and that the girl enjoys being there. They do this by representing her in a positive way. She is shown smiling, which gives the target audience the idea that she is happy here. They have also got her wearing a top that matches the colour of the masthead, and also has the name of the college on there, showing her support for the college. This shows her support for the college. She also has denim shorts on, which obviously isn't a uniform so it gives the audience the idea that it is casual and relaxed at this college- which could also be why she is smiling. Her denim shorts also give us the impression that the college is in a nice sunny place, where it's warm and easy to relax and have fun. The representation of the girl on this magazine front cover, gives a very positive impression of the college overall. She's smiling, which shows that she is happy at this college, she's supporting the college by wearing a top with the college's name on. And by using a girl who is pretty, this would attract the male target audience to this college, if she is representing the whole of the female students at this college.

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