Friday 5 October 2012

College Magazine Contents Page Analysis

The title and welcome note at the top of the page help guide the audience as to where they are in the magazine. The welcome note thanks the audience for reading the magazine and will usually be written by the editor of the magazine.
The special features section is a common convention of magazine contents page. They let the regular readers know what will be new in this issue. They also have a regulars section so new readers can see what they can expect to see in every issue of this magazine.
The pictures that relate to the articles featured in this magazine, could be classed as sell lines as they give the audience a further idea of what will be featured in this magazine. These will usually give a very positive idea of the magazine to attract the audience to read it even more.
Contents pages also have page numbers and references to what will be on each page so that the reader can quickly locate an article if they saw something on the cover that interested them.
Contents pages also have a continuous colour scheme (that matches the rest of the magazine, including the front cover). Having the same continuous style throughout the whole magazine is known as a 'house style'. Maintaining a house style helps connect all of the magazine together and gives the magazine it's own identity.
Contents pages also include other adverts from different institutions. For example, the one above has adverts encouraging people to recycle. These adverts will usually relate to the features of the magazine, so in schools and colleges people are encouraged to recycle and not waste paper therefore the magazine has chosen 'Recycle' as it fits in with this on going theme.

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