Friday 11 January 2013

'MOJO' Contents Page-Conventions and LIIAR Analysis

This front cover also has the conventions of a contents page; such as the name of the magazine at the top and the date and number of the issue, however, it is a lot simpler than the ‘Q’ one as there is only one image with a pull quote underneath it.
Like 'Q' it only has a features section with the main cover story, which suggests that this edition of the magazine is a lot more exclusive than other music magazines on the market. Which could be due to there being a select number of stories/artists featured that aim them for a niche audience.
The font is large and clear, with the page numbers next to the story to allow easy navigating to the article for the audience. 

Language- The main text that stands out on this contents page is the band names (at a first glance) which will attract the target audience because as soon as they open it they can see the band name and the page its on and go straight there without having to search for the page it's on.

Ideology- The audience reading this magazine will value a certain genre of music, and so when they pick up this magazine to read they will expect to see number of artists/articles that relate to that genre. 

Audience- The target audience of this magazine would be those interested in rock/indie music (such as Florence and the Machine and Paul Weller), therefore this contents page is appealing to that target audience by featuring stories that feature these artists and making it clear to the audience when they first look at this contents page that those type of artists will be in this edition which will make the audience what to read it.

Representation- By only featuring one picture on this contents page it can prevent confusion for the audience at which picture relates to which story. So instead of having to look at lots of different pictures and figure out which one goes with each article their attention will be focused on this one story (which could be the first one that they decide to read as it is the one that will grasp their attention the most).

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