Friday 11 January 2013

NME Contents Page- LIIAR Analysis

LANGUAGE: At the top of the page it has the title and the date of the issue, this is a convention of a magazine contents page, this helps guide the audience and signifies the start of the magazine. It also has lots of pull quotes from the different articles, this gives the audience a taste of what will be in the stories and tries to entice them into reading it.  To go with these pull quotes they have pictures of the stars that are featured in their stories, this is again to attract the audience and the majority of the people in the pictures are giving the camera direct eye contact to engage with the audience.
IDEOLOGY: By using the title ‘INSIDE THIS WEEK’ it reinforces the idea of the masthead NME (New Musical Express) as it shows that there will be a new thing every week for the audience to read. The ideology will be the same throughout the whole magazine because they want to give the same idea throughout the whole magazine.
INSTITUTION: At the bottom right of the page it has adverts to subscribe to this magazine, usually contents pages will have external adverts from other institutions, however this one doesn’t. it only has adverts for its own magazine and then the bands that will be featured in their articles.
AUDIENCE: The audience for the contents page would be the same for the front cover as they would want to attract the same people throughout the whole magazine, because they have a their target audience that they want to attract and will want to keep them interested through the whole magazine.
REPRESENTATION: The representation will also be the same throughout the whole magazine because they have a image that they want to get out to their audience and by keeping their audience, ideology and language the same they will want to keep the representation the same to keep their magazine popular with their target audience.

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