Tuesday 29 January 2013

Re-Done Photos

The red lips on this image really stand out against the rest of the picture because everything else is quite light, so the boldness of the red on the lips really stands out and I think will draw the audience in.

I think the lighting combined with the colour of her dress gives quite a 60s vibe, because of the lace and the long blonde hair that is shaped around her face, and has quite a bit of volume to it.

I think this picture would be good to use on the double page spread because it is different to the others because it is a medium close up rather than a close up, so it would allow the audience to see more of her. By having her playing with her hair it gives quite a playful edge to a serious photo so it gives the audience the impression that she isn't too serious when it comes to fame.

This is my favourite photo, because I styled it based on the iconic 60s Twiggy pose, using a close up with quite a serious expression and her hands around her face.

I also like this photo because by having her look over her shoulder it is different to a direct close up, however, I think the lighting has given this photo a yellow tint, therefore, if I were to take this photo again I would change the lighting so it was similar to the one above this photo, so her pale face and red lips will be accentuated more, rather than faded in with the background.

Friday 11 January 2013

NME Contents Page- LIIAR Analysis

LANGUAGE: At the top of the page it has the title and the date of the issue, this is a convention of a magazine contents page, this helps guide the audience and signifies the start of the magazine. It also has lots of pull quotes from the different articles, this gives the audience a taste of what will be in the stories and tries to entice them into reading it.  To go with these pull quotes they have pictures of the stars that are featured in their stories, this is again to attract the audience and the majority of the people in the pictures are giving the camera direct eye contact to engage with the audience.
IDEOLOGY: By using the title ‘INSIDE THIS WEEK’ it reinforces the idea of the masthead NME (New Musical Express) as it shows that there will be a new thing every week for the audience to read. The ideology will be the same throughout the whole magazine because they want to give the same idea throughout the whole magazine.
INSTITUTION: At the bottom right of the page it has adverts to subscribe to this magazine, usually contents pages will have external adverts from other institutions, however this one doesn’t. it only has adverts for its own magazine and then the bands that will be featured in their articles.
AUDIENCE: The audience for the contents page would be the same for the front cover as they would want to attract the same people throughout the whole magazine, because they have a their target audience that they want to attract and will want to keep them interested through the whole magazine.
REPRESENTATION: The representation will also be the same throughout the whole magazine because they have a image that they want to get out to their audience and by keeping their audience, ideology and language the same they will want to keep the representation the same to keep their magazine popular with their target audience.

'MOJO' Contents Page-Conventions and LIIAR Analysis

This front cover also has the conventions of a contents page; such as the name of the magazine at the top and the date and number of the issue, however, it is a lot simpler than the ‘Q’ one as there is only one image with a pull quote underneath it.
Like 'Q' it only has a features section with the main cover story, which suggests that this edition of the magazine is a lot more exclusive than other music magazines on the market. Which could be due to there being a select number of stories/artists featured that aim them for a niche audience.
The font is large and clear, with the page numbers next to the story to allow easy navigating to the article for the audience. 

Language- The main text that stands out on this contents page is the band names (at a first glance) which will attract the target audience because as soon as they open it they can see the band name and the page its on and go straight there without having to search for the page it's on.

Ideology- The audience reading this magazine will value a certain genre of music, and so when they pick up this magazine to read they will expect to see number of artists/articles that relate to that genre. 

Audience- The target audience of this magazine would be those interested in rock/indie music (such as Florence and the Machine and Paul Weller), therefore this contents page is appealing to that target audience by featuring stories that feature these artists and making it clear to the audience when they first look at this contents page that those type of artists will be in this edition which will make the audience what to read it.

Representation- By only featuring one picture on this contents page it can prevent confusion for the audience at which picture relates to which story. So instead of having to look at lots of different pictures and figure out which one goes with each article their attention will be focused on this one story (which could be the first one that they decide to read as it is the one that will grasp their attention the most).

'Q' Contents Page- Conventions and LIIAR Analysis

This ‘Q’ contents page uses the conventions of contents pages; it has the ‘Features’ section with all the stories that are unique to this edition of the magazine. However, it does not have a section for the features that are every week, which is because it is ‘Subscribers’ edition so the people who will be reading this will know what to expect every week and will only be interested in the special features section.
It also has page numbers that give reference to the location of articles in the magazine with the name of the article or the feature person of the magazine (e.g. ‘Zane Low’ and ‘Tinie Tempah’) because these are well known names and will attract the reader directly to that page.
The colour scheme is continuous throughout the entire page, and matches the colour scheme on the front cover and in the rest of the magazine. This gives the magazine a house style and connects the magazine together and makes it look as one. There are also pictures that relate to the features of the magazine, giving the reader an idea of what to expect when they go to that page (for example if it is a band they have not heard of before, the picture could give them an idea of what that band may be like with the clothes they wear/gender/make-up etc.)

The Language they have used to attract their target audience relates a lot to the actual magazine. For example "250 Albums Of Q's Lifetime", this links the reader and the magazine together because it allows them to feel part of the magazine if they share their favourite albums with the reader.
The Institution would be Q magazine and its editors because they want to keep the magazine popular and keep relating to the audience so that people will carry on buying their magazine which will allow them to carry on making money from it.
The Ideology would be putting bands/artists that fit in with the genre of that magazine that would attract the audience to carry on reading the magazine. They would have to feature musicians suitable to their genre otherwise their target audience would not want to read it and their sales would significantly decrease.
The Target Audience would be people interested in a mixture of music, because the artists featured on this contents page are a mixture of RnB (Tinie Tempah) and Indie Rock bands such as Muse and Oasis are also featured on this page, so the target audience would be very wide.

Conventions of a Contents Page

Front Cover