Tuesday 18 December 2012

Draft 4 Front Cover

This is my 4th draft for my music magazine front cover, when I got feedback on this draft people liked the picture and where the anchorage text was placed, but they thought it needed a few more cover lines on it to look like a more conventional music magazine front cover. They liked the font because they said it looked quite rocky. However, they said that they did not think it looked like a 60s rock music magazine so they suggested maybe I changed my anchorage text to something different so my audience would realise that it is meant to be a 60s rock music magazine. 

Monday 17 December 2012

Draft 3 Front Cover

This is my third draft for my front cover. When I got feedback on this one people said they liked the font of the masthead because they said it looked more like a masthead that they would expect to see on a rock music magazine. However, they thought the colour scheme was a bit too bright and said it made it look more like a pop magazine rather than a rock magazine. They also thought it looked a bit bare and that maybe at least one more cover line would make it a more conventional music magazine rather than just the one cover line and the sell line at the bottom. 

Sunday 16 December 2012

Draft 2 Front Cover

This is the second draft I did. When I got feedback on this draft people said they preferred it to the last draft because there was not as much text on the cover so they knew what text went with what story and said they found it much easier to read because there was not as much there to try and grab their attention. They also said they thought the font was interesting but did not think it suited for a music magazine because it looks more like a clothing or celebrity gossip magazine because of the connotations it gives of city life. They also thought the 'Review of the Week' cover line looked a bit out of place and the whiteness of the box did not really fit in with the colour scheme on the rest of the front page.

2nd Draft Step by Step

Saturday 15 December 2012

Draft 1 Front Cover

This was my first draft I did for my music magazine front cover. When I got feedback on this front cover, I found people thought it had too much writing on it and that they did not know where they should look first. So for my next draft I decided I needed to put less writing on it to make my main image and anchorage text stand out more. 

Monday 3 December 2012

Possible Name Ideas

Because I want to do a rock/60s rock music magazine, I decided to look up 60s slang words so I could call my magazine after one of those. Here are the options:

  • Blast
  • Crash
  • Dig

Uses and Gratification

This refers to the needs that your media product should fulfil for its target audience. The certain audience that you want to target your media product at will have certain interests and hobbies that they enjoy and will buy your magazine because it fulfils this need that they have.
For example, if you have a rock magazine and your audience really enjoy the rock bands that you feature in your magazine, this is a need that your magazine fulfils for them so they enjoy buying and reading your magazine. However, if one week you decided to involve a girly pop band that your audience do not enjoy, then they will not enjoy your magazine and will not buy it because it no longer supplies their needs and they will get their needs from a different magazine.
So to make my magazine appeal to my target audience, I will need to make sure the features of my magazine are suitable for the genre of my magazine. If I make the features relate to the genre then I can ensure that my target audience will stay interested with what is in my magazine and it will satisfy their needs for what they are looking for in a music magazine.

Saturday 1 December 2012

Colour Scheme

Because my magazine is going to be sixties rock music, I would like the colour scheme to be bright to represent the psychodellic nature of that era.