Sunday 10 February 2013

LIIAR Analysis Of A Double Page Spread

LANGUAGE: The media language used would be the same as the rest of the magazine. They will want to communicate with their audience in the same way throughout the whole magazine. They will use the same fronts, colours, style of writing and pictures to keep with the house style of their magazine. The conventions of these pages will be different, for example, the title of the page is at the top left of the page. This indicates what the page contains. They have pull quotes from the article to give the audience an idea of what they will be reading. And a continuous colour scheme used over both the pages to link the two pages together.
IDEOLOGY: By having lots of pictures of the band performing, and not many shots of them posing together or on their own, it reinforces the fact that they want to make the audience aware of their music, rather than what they look like or what their recent fashion looks are.
INSTITUTION: The only institution on this double page spread, is  the band Mumford and Sons. This double page spread is advertising them and making people aware of their music and what they do. Apart from that there isn’t any other forms of external advertising on either of the pages.
AUDIENCE: The target audience is again the same as the front page and double page spread. They attract the same audience throughout by keeping a house style and keeping the same genre of music to keep their audience interested and make them want to keep buying the magazine.
REPRESENTATION:  This will also be the same as the front cover and contents page as it all fits in with keeping a house style. Again, they have shown the main features of the articles focusing more on music than how they look. 

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